The new KEENAN MechFiber+ range of machines is the latest in the KEENAN family of diet feeders. Delivering the unique MechFiber mix with proven nutritional benefits, the new range has a host of additional design elements and user functionality. Each of the current MechFiber models will be available in the plus range.
The KEENAN MechFiber365+ is in the large-sized range, feeding 100-140 dairy cows per load or 200-280 beef finishers. The machine comes with a heavy-duty sealed oil-bath drive system which is self-lubricating for ease of maintenance. A central greasing manifold allows all front bearings to be greased from one location.
KEENAN Mechfiber+ TMR Feeders come in a variety of sizes to accommodate growing farms.
The links direct you to the KEENAN website for further details.